Wednesday 11 February 2015

The Perfect Guest

We all enjoy visiting friends, they make us feel special by catering to our needs. Giving us the best of what they have to offer. Our hosts make provision for our visit because we are expected…most of the time.

Back in the years before mobile phones, an unannounced visit was very much the norm. Our African society permits it. However, with the chaotic traffic situation, it is wise to call ahead….imagine battling hours of traffic only to get to your destination and find no one home.

Just as our host has a duty to us, we too as guests have a duty to our host. What kind of guests are we though? Do we hog the television remote control, switch to football and watch match after match ignoring our host's and other guest’s preferences? Or are we meant to stay for an hour and are there 5 hours later because we want to watch part 7 of that Nollywood “Epic” on African Magic?

I remember many years ago, we had this unannounced visitor who would ring my bell as early as 7am. He would park himself in front of my television and not leave till night time. I didn’t get a chance to watch any of my shows. I couldn’t protest because of the nature of my husband’s job at the time. I grinned and bore it. The occasional nonchalant “Madam I hope you don’t mind” he would throw my way made me even angrier. Talk about guests from hell…

Depending on our relationship with the host
and the purpose of the visit, as guests we
should visit our hosts with a small gift, pay
 them compliments, be mindful of the time
(especially if they have children who need to
be bathed and put to bed), be helpful to our
 host in serving or clearing away. You also
have a duty to be entertaining; ignoring
everyone is a big No.

Remember to thank your host for opening
their home up to you and taking good care of
you. A ‘Thank You’ note sent after your visit
is the perfect touch. At Manners Matter, our
clients are taught how to be the perfect guest
and how write the perfect ‘Thank You’ note,
making them sought after guests!

Yeye Bush
…be  Your Best always!


1 comment:

  1. I enjoy reading your blog. Good Manners really does matter! Keep up the good work.
